Emu bush red frost
Emu bush red frost

It does prefer drier conditions than E glabra and loathes damp and humidity which is probably why it is thriving against that wall, dry roots and reflected heat from the wall no doubt. Plant in a narrow spot that needs attention. Flowers are followed by grape-like berries. Pale green leaves are adorned by bunches of tubular yellow to orange to purple-pink flowers.

emu bush red frost

in South Australia and Western Australia and is very drought resistant and frost resistant. I'm surprised that the cultivar you have is too vibrant to gow with lavender, santolina and the others you mention as it is usually a soft grey with lavender flowers. SKU 03485 This desert-loving shrub produces a festival of color. Eremophila macdonnelli is a variable shrub both in form. As eremophilea are not long lived in wetter climates I tend to take cuttings every couple of years so that I always have a few young plants coming along to replace the older shrubs that are past their best. I find a little hormone powder helps improve the strike rate. While you are pruning you can also take half hard cuttings if you wish. In Australia, where I garden I'd prune in autumn after the rains start as there is little frost risk where I garden. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. However, I suggest that you prune immediately prior to the growing season, after all risk of frost is over - if you get frosts where you garden. Welcome to the famous Daves Garden website. If not pruned, emu bush will be more open and angular. With a little more irrigation, it will become a show stopper when in bloom. Also, the blossoms will not be as abundant.

emu bush red frost

Minimal irrigation will cause its leaves to become smaller and turn a gray-green color. Janet, Eremophila respond well to pruning and will respond to clipping or even more ruthless treatment. Water established emu bush every two to three weeks.

Emu bush red frost